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What Is Truth?

These days, it is difficult to know what is true and what is not. We need to learn how to determine the truth for ourselves.

During the closing hours of His life, the Savior, Jesus Christ, was brought before Pontius Pilate. The Elders of the Jews had accused Jesus of sedition and treason against Rome and insisted that He be put to death.

When Pilate came face to face with the Man of Galilee, he asked, “Are you a king?”

Jesus replied, “For this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.”3(Emphasis added)

Taken from: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/dieter-f-uchtdorf/what-is-truth/


The purpose of this web site is to help the people of the united States of America (and the world) to learn and understand important principles and truths that will renew their commitment to our constitutional Republic (the united States of America).

Contrary to what you have been taught by deceptive people for the past 100+ years, we are NOT a Democracy! We are a democratic Republic!

The freedom and Liberty we have had for the past 245 years is derived from a form of government that is a Republic based upon a written constitution. The way we are a “democracy” is the fact that we get to VOTE. Unscrupulous and scheming men and women have applied a never-ending plot to undermine our constitutional Republic and make us think that we are a Democracy! The definition of democracy is “mob rule”. In other words, whenever 51% or more of the people agree to a decision and vote for it, the item becomes the LAW. Our Founders knew about human weaknesses. They studied every form of government known to history at that time, and they knew they didn’t want to have a king, but they also knew of the human passions. They saw from history that a democracy led passionately enflamed populations to react too quickly and they often made poor choices for their future well-being which were very difficult to reverse. By instilling a republican (not the party) form of government, the people would choose representatives who make decisions FOR the people. The representatives would hopefully act in the best interest of the people back home. If the people did not like the choices made by their representative, they could “fire” them after two to six years.

There is much to learn and understand about proper government. Unfortunately, the people of America have not learned about the proper role of government nor the correct purpose of government. The purpose of our government was intended to be our servant and to PROTECT our rights and freedoms! Nowadays, our government has morphed to now treat us as their SLAVES and that we serve THEM! The tables have turned because we were not watching the “hen house” for the past two hundred years! This has been a very slow evolution and like a frog in a kettle of cool water, the heat was turned up gradually, and ever so slowly, so that we, like the frog, wouldn’t notice what was happening until it was too late and we were “COOKED“!

Please see the “Recommended web sites” and “Recommended reading list” at the top of this page to learn more. Unfortunately, the “world” has been turned upside down and inside out when it comes to knowing the truth. It is hoped that by the author’s humble submission of information, the visitor will discover new sources and pathways for TRUTH, which will not be presented in the mainstream that we assume is acting in our best interest. The media has been co-opted and taken over by unseen owners and guides whose intent is to sway your understanding of EVERTHING so they can control everything for their selfish purpose of ruling the world! That purpose is called the “New World Order”, and it has Satanic origins. There is a great clash of views in this world: good vs. evil. We are in the midst of it now. We must choose “whom we will serve”, God and Christ, or Satan and his minions. Our current and eternal future hangs in the balance.

If you do not agree with the information found at this web site, you are free to ignore it and visit elsewhere. It is not your job to ridicule and criticize it. It is the opinion and belief of the editor and other related sites and sources. This web site is founded upon the 1st amendment to the US Constitution and is proclaimed to be FREE SPEECH! We have the right to say what we believe to be true as much as any other source, including the government! Unfortunately, the tyranny that our Founders escaped from has grown up around us and has retaken command right here in America! The King of England and his cohorts did all in their power to silence and kill the freedom seekers in the 1700s and now “they” are back and have taken over everything, including our government systems. They believe that they have absolute power to change our form of government from a constitutional Republic to a Democracy and history has proven that once democracy rules, it can quickly morph towards socialism, marxist-fascist rule (like China now has) and communism. Democracy is tantamount (or akin to) to communism, socialism, fascism, Marxism, etc. They are all totalitarian and dictatorial in nature. Therefore, the People will be pushed into the ground with their edicts, interpretations and changes of our laws. This has already occurred in many countries around the world while we go on “merrily” about out daily business. This is all according to detailed and evil plans to rule the world. The united States is the “final frontier” for them to capture, and they are pulling out all the stops! It has been stated: “An Enemy Hath Done This”.

These forms of government above mentioned have all failed in every attempt of known history. Democracy always morphs into communism or a similar “ism”. When religion and morality (God) have been removed, there is no moral foundation to keep it from sliding into an evil and turbulent state where “the wicked rule, [and] the people mourn”.

The ONE thing they have failed to note is that God has decreed that this land, the Americas (the united States of America, Canada, Mexico and all the central and south American countries) are part of a covenant land. God created and owns this earth. He gave this land to Abraham and his seed. The “Remnant of Jacob” (children of Jacob) are the true stewards of this land. There shall be NO KINGS here! Since the recent election of 2020, a cadre of Marxists have taken the upper hand in all branches of the government of the USA and other countries. There is no stopping them from exercising their latent lust for power and to place the final “nails” in the coffin of the Republic once and for all! However, prophecy says otherwise.

As you review the information found on this web site, and any related links, you will learn of the greatness and magnificence of God’s plans and works for the future of America. The evil day may rule for a short season, but God will gradually prune away the wicked “weeds” and allow the righteous “crops” to grow to maturity. The author is not the one who will do it. One has only to read the book of Revelation to know of the war between good and evil that will play out in the “last days” (over the next short period of time). It will continue to grow and will someday come to a showdown. The wicked will be vexed (disturbed) by the works and power of God and his servants.

We have faith and hope in the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in his power and glory. He will bring with him many Angels and Saints to rule for a thousand years! (Known as the great Millennium). He shall be the “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords”! However, there will be much trial and tribulation between now and that day. We have seen it ramping up during the last few years. There is little the Freedom-loving, conservative Christian and kind-hearted American citizens will be able to do, other than “choose this day whom [they] will serve”, and “Be still, and know that I am God”.